Official DVSA Theory Test Kit



Do you want to pass your car theory test?

Download the only Official DVSA Theory Test Kit for Car Drivers, from the people who set the tests.

It contains everything you need to PASS your 2022 car theory test first time.

You get all this for ONLY £4.99; far cheaper than the cost of retaking your test!

🚗 Every single 2022 official DVSA theory test revision question for car drivers. Answer them all to make sure you’re ready for your test. Including nine new practice multiple-choice video clips, in line with the recent changes to the car theory test

👀 34 interactive CGI hazard perception video clips from DVSA, just like the ones in the real test

🚦 The Official Highway Code (worth £2.50) to revise all the latest road signs and rules

✔️ Exclusive DVSA study content. Extra tips and info on all the theory test topics

⏱ Timed mock tests – just like the real thing!

📈 Track your progress so that you know when you’re ready to take your theory test

🔊 English voiceover reads out all the revision questions to you. Handy if you’re revising on the go and helpful if you have reading difficulties or dyslexia

📆 Helpful notifications remind you to revise as your test date gets closer

🏆 Join the three million happy people who’ve passed using the official DVSA apps

🤞 Good luck with your test!

Helpful advice:

• There are 34 CGI hazard perception video clips in this app. To get you started quickly, the first installation contains two clips. When you’re ready, you can then download the other 32 clips in three easy instalments. Simply click on one of the greyed-out clips to start the download process. You can also remove the video clips later to free up space on your device.

• You can choose to download the voiceover separately. This will read out all the theory test revision questions, answers and explanations for you and will require additional storage space.

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